Circle City Orchestra prides itself on its mission of inclusivity, accessibility, and enjoyable musical experiences, with people from varying personal, as well as musical, backgrounds. As such, this code of conduct serves as a guideline of acceptable behavior for its members as they participate in CCO functions or conduct official orchestra-related business. This code is not intended to serve as an exhaustive list.

Attendance at rehearsals is necessary to prepare the best possible performances. While participation in CCO is purely voluntary, it is expected that orchestra members attend rehearsals and are punctual in their attendance. Additionally, it is expected that members are practicing outside of rehearsal as needed to be prepared at scheduled rehearsals.

Professionalism and courtesy towards fellow orchestra members. This includes behavior during rehearsal which is disruptive such as excessive talking or excessive playing after the conductor has stopped the orchestra.

Conflicts and differences of opinion should be addressed at the lowest level possible (i.e. with individual(s) directly). If a conflict requires escalation, members should notify the board president, the conductor, or another board member who will then assist in seeking a resolution.

Respect towards rehearsal and performance facilities. CCO rents facilities for all rehearsals and performances. As such, care must be taken to ensure facilities and equipment being used are left in, at a minimum, the same condition in which they were prior to use.

Only qualified service animals are allowed in rented facilities.

Members are to be held responsible for personal guests brought to rehearsals ensuring they follow applicable rules as stated above. We don’t recommend bringing guests unless they are interested in participating in the orchestra. All children under the age of 18 must remain under the direct supervision of their parent or guardian at all times.

Don’t forget to have fun!

Members of the Board of Directors, and other orchestra members acting directly as representatives or agents of the Board, are expected to not only uphold but set the example when adhering to this Code.